Canadian Spousal Sponsorship


Canadian Spousal Sponsorship is a pathway that allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their spouses or common-law partners for immigration to Canada. This process is designed to facilitate the reunification of families and enable spouses to live together in Canada permanently. Let’s discuss the various aspects of the Spousal Sponsorship program, including eligibility criteria, required documents, application tips, processing times, and more.

Spousal Sponsorship in Canada
Spousal Sponsorship in Canada

Spousal Sponsorship Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for Spousal Sponsorship in Canada, both the sponsor (the Canadian citizen or permanent resident) and the sponsored spouse or partner must meet certain eligibility requirements. These criteria typically include:

  1. Sponsorship Eligibility:
    • The sponsor must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
    • The sponsor must be at least 18 years of age.
    • If the sponsor resides outside Canada, they must demonstrate intent to reside in Canada once the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.
    • The sponsor must be able to financially support the sponsored spouse or partner and any dependent children.
  2. Sponsored Spouse or Partner Eligibility:
    • The sponsored spouse or partner must be legally married to the sponsor or in a genuine common-law relationship.
    • The relationship must be genuine and not entered into primarily for immigration purposes.
    • Both parties must be able to provide evidence of their relationship and intention to live together in Canada.

Spousal Sponsorship Documents Needed

A successful Spousal Sponsorship application requires the submission of various documents to demonstrate the genuineness of the relationship and the eligibility of both parties. Some of the key documents typically required include:

  1. Proof of Identity and Relationship:
    • Marriage certificate (for married couples) or proof of common-law relationship.
    • Birth certificates of any dependent children.
    • Valid passports or travel documents for both parties.
  2. Supporting Documentation:
    • Personal statements detailing the history of the relationship, how the couple met, and their future plans together.
    • Photos of the couple together, including family events, vacations, and celebrations.
    • Joint financial documents, such as bank statements, property ownership documents, or joint utility bills.
    • Affidavits from friends, family members, or colleagues attesting to the genuineness of the relationship.

Personal statements from both the sponsor and the sponsored spouse detailing the history of their relationship, including how they met, the progression of their partnership, and their future plans together, are crucial for providing insight into the genuineness of the relationship.

A comprehensive collection of photos depicting various milestones in the couple’s journey together, such as family events, vacations, and celebrations, serves as visual evidence of their shared experiences and emotional bond.

Joint financial documents, including bank statements, tax returns, property ownership documents, or joint utility bills, help demonstrate the couple’s financial interdependence and their ability to support each other economically.

Affidavits or sworn statements from friends, family members, or colleagues who can attest to the authenticity of the relationship, corroborating details provided in the personal statements and offering additional perspectives on the couple’s commitment and intentions.

By meticulously compiling and presenting these documents, couples can strengthen their Spousal Sponsorship application, providing immigration authorities with compelling evidence of the legitimacy of their relationship and their eligibility for sponsorship under Canadian immigration laws.

Spousal Sponsorship Tips

Submitting a well-prepared Spousal Sponsorship application can significantly improve your chances of success. Here are some valuable tips to consider:

  1. Start Early:
    • Begin gathering required documents and evidence of the relationship well in advance to avoid any delays in the application process.
  2. Provide Detailed Information:
    • Ensure that all forms are completed accurately and comprehensively, providing detailed information about the relationship and the sponsor’s ability to support the sponsored person.
  3. Organize Supporting Documents:
    • Arrange supporting documents neatly and logically, making it easy for immigration officers to review and assess the application.
  4. Seek Professional Assistance:
    • Consider seeking the assistance of an experienced immigration consultant or lawyer to guide you through the application process and address any complex issues that may arise. At Akrami & Associates Immigration Law firm we have helped hundreds with their spousal sponsorship application.

Spousal Sponsorship Processing Times

The processing times for Spousal Sponsorship applications can vary depending on various factors, including the volume of applications, the completeness of the submission, and the specific circumstances of the case. Generally, processing times can range from several months to over a year. Applicants can check the current processing times on the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website for the most up-to-date information.

Common Law Sponsorship Requirements

Entering into a common-law partnership is a significant commitment, and for those seeking to sponsor their common-law partner for immigration to Canada, understanding the documentation requirements and guidelines is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive overview to help you navigate the Common-Law Partner Sponsorship process:

  1. Proof of Cohabitation and Relationship Legitimacy:
    • Unlike legally married couples, common-law partners must provide evidence of cohabitation and the genuine nature of their relationship.
    • Utility bills, rental agreements, or mortgage documents showing both partners’ names and shared residence address are essential to establish cohabitation.
    • Statutory declarations from friends, family, or colleagues affirming the legitimacy and duration of the relationship further support the couple’s claim.
  2. Personal Statements and Relationship History:
    • Each partner should provide detailed personal statements outlining the history of their relationship, including how they met, milestones in their partnership, and future plans together.
    • Emphasizing the emotional and practical aspects of the relationship helps immigration authorities understand its depth and authenticity.
    • Including anecdotes or personal experiences that highlight the couple’s commitment and mutual support strengthens the application.
  3. Financial Interdependence Documentation:
    • Joint bank account statements, shared credit card statements, or evidence of shared financial responsibilities, such as utility bills or loan agreements, demonstrate financial interdependence.
    • Income tax returns filed as common-law partners, joint investment accounts, or joint ownership of assets bolster the case for financial co-mingling and support.
  4. Supporting Testimonials and Affidavits:
    • Affidavits from friends, family members, or colleagues who can attest to the couple’s relationship and provide insights into their commitment and mutual support are valuable.
    • Testimonials should highlight specific instances of the couple’s partnership, such as joint ventures, shared responsibilities, or emotional support during challenging times.
    • Including diverse perspectives from individuals who have observed the relationship over time strengthens the credibility of the application.

By assembling a comprehensive set of documents and adhering to these guidelines, common-law partners can present a compelling case for sponsorship, demonstrating the legitimacy and depth of their relationship to Canadian immigration authorities. With meticulous preparation and attention to detail, the common-law partner sponsorship process can proceed smoothly, paving the way for a future together in Canada.

How we can help with your spousal sponsorship application!

Spousal Sponsorship offers a valuable opportunity for couples to reunite and build their lives together in Canada. By understanding the eligibility criteria, gathering the necessary documents, and following the application tips outlined in this guide, applicants can increase their chances of a successful sponsorship. While the process may seem daunting, with careful preparation and attention to detail, couples can navigate the Spousal Sponsorship process with confidence and look forward to a bright future together in Canada.

At Akrami & Associates Immigration Law firm, we understand the complexities and nuances involved in spousal and common-law partner sponsorship applications for immigration to Canada. Our experienced team of immigration consultants and lawyers offers comprehensive support to ensure a smooth and successful sponsorship process.

  1. Initial Consultation and Assessment:
    • We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of each client’s unique situation during an initial consultation.
    • Our team evaluates eligibility criteria, examines the strength of the relationship, and identifies potential challenges or areas requiring additional documentation.
  2. Document Preparation and Review:
    • We assist clients in gathering and organizing the required documentation, including proof of relationship, cohabitation, and financial interdependence.
    • Our experts meticulously review all documents to ensure they meet immigration authorities’ standards and effectively support the sponsorship application.
  3. Personalized Guidance and Advice:
    • Our clients receive personalized guidance and advice tailored to their specific circumstances throughout the sponsorship process.
    • We provide insights into the application timeline, potential processing delays, and strategies to address any concerns or obstacles that may arise.
  4. Professional Representation:
    • As a client-centric firm, we act as advocates for our clients, representing their interests and communicating with immigration authorities on their behalf.
    • Our experienced lawyers and consultants handle all correspondence and inquiries, ensuring accuracy and adherence to legal requirements.
  5. Comprehensive Support for Common-Law Partnerships:
    • For clients in common-law relationships, we offer specialized support tailored to the unique documentation and evidence required to establish the legitimacy of the partnership.
    • Our team guides clients through the process of gathering proof of cohabitation, financial interdependence, and relationship history, ensuring a strong application.
  6. Ongoing Communication and Updates:
    • Throughout the sponsorship process, we maintain open lines of communication with our clients, providing regular updates on the status of their application and any developments.
    • Our team is readily available to address client questions or concerns, offering reassurance and support at every stage of the process.

With Akrami & Associates by your side, individuals seeking to sponsor their spouses or common-law partners can navigate the complexities of the immigration system with confidence and peace of mind. Our commitment to excellence, personalized approach, and unwavering dedication to client success set us apart as trusted allies in the journey to reunite families in Canada.

Book a consultation today!