

How to Sponsor My Common Law Partner

How to Sponsor your Common Law Partner Canada offers one of the most comprehensive immigration systems in the world and offers a variety of ways that you can come to Canada to visit, work, remain or be reunited with your loved ones. One such category of Canadian...

Common Law Sponsorship Eligibility

What is a Common Law Relationship A common law relationship is not a marriage, nor is it regarded as a marriage in the eyes of the law. According to the (IRCC) or immigration, refugees and citizenship Canada a common law relationship is outlined as a relationship in...

How Can I Prove My Relationship?

Whether you are in a marriage, common-law or conjugal relationship, in order to have a successful sponsorship application, it is important to prove that you have a genuine relationship. You may be thinking that this is simple enough, but that is because you have...

Who is considered a Common Law Partner

Common Law Partners Common-Law Partners are partners that have continuously cohabitated together for a period of 12 months and at the same time have strong relationship commitments aside from just physical relationship. So just living together with your partner does...

Canada Common Law Sponsorship

Background Information The Canadian family class allows for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada to sponsor their loved ones and bring them to live with them in Canada permanently. The Canadian Family class has been well received by many Canadians and...

Common Law Sponsorship and Work Permit

What is Common-law Sponsorship? Common law sponsorship is when you lived with your wife/husband for longer than a year without any long periods of separation. Unlike most immigrating ways, the common-law sponsorship falls under provincial jurisdiction. Each province...

The Basics of Common-Law Sponsorship in Canada

Common-Law Sponsorship in Canada If you would like to reunite with your common-law partner that is either living abroad or visiting you in Canada, then it is best to understand what a common-law sponsorship entails before attempting to submit your application. If you...

Do I qualify for Common Law Sponsorship

Do I qualify for Common Law Sponsorship and who can sponsor their family under the Family class Spousal Sponsorship in Canada allows couples who have separated due to various reasons such as immigration barriers, financial differences, or domestic reasons, to settle...

How to Qualify as Common-Law Partnership

How to Determine Whether You Qualify as Common-Law Partnership In order to determine whether your relationship qualifies as a common-law partnership, you must assess whether you meet the eligibility requirements as per Immigration Canada. Many individuals in...

Spousal and Common Law Partner Sponsorship

Sponsoring Family to Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada goal is to reunite close family members to Canada through the Family Class. Under the Family Class Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents can sponsor their spouse, common-law or conjugal partner,...

Sponsoring a Common Law Partner

If you have been residing with a loved one for at least 12 months, you will qualify for Common Law Sponsorship. This means more than simply residing together or being roommates. Citizenship and Immigration Canada understands that people come from all walks of life...

Application to Sponsor Your Common Law Parter

Documents Which Are Important for Common Law Sponsorship Sponsoring a partner in their application for permanent residence under the common law stream is not as simple as claiming you have lived together for a year. This simple declaration does not necessarily make...

How to Sponsor your Common-Law Partner

Sponsor your Common-Law Partner Do you and your common-law partner not live together and miss each other dearly? Do you wish to live happily and be together in Canada? Or is your common-law partner currently in Canada visiting you and you wish for them to permanently...

Can I Sponsor my Fiancée to Canada

How to Sponsor my fiancée to Canada For many Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada, it can seem difficult having to live away from your Fiancé; you are planning to spend your lives together, and you may not want to wait until after marriage to begin your...

Family Sponsorship

Can a same-sex partner be sponsored? If you were married in Canada then your same-sex marriage will be valid in regards to sponsorship of a spouse. If you were married outside of Canada then your same-sex marriage will be deemed valid if it is recognized in the...

Responsibilities of Sponsor

Responsibilities of Sponsor when Sponsoring Spouse to Canada Did you know that a lot of people think that by marrying a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada they automatically become Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada? Unfortunately, that is...

Common-Law Sponsorship in Canada

How Common-Law Sponsorship Works in Canada Common-law Sponsorship is an option for permanent residency for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident’s common-law partner. These couples are unique in nature as they have not married one another and don’t legally have to...

What is Common Law Sponsorship

Do You Have A Common Law Partner? Are you and your partner hoping to live together permanently in Canada someday? Have you and your partner already been living together for more than a year? If so, you may qualify as a common-law partnership. If you legally qualify as...